Biblioteca da Universidade de Minnesota vai realizar testes de usabilidade do Drupal 6

É o primiero teste formal... os resultyados vão ser apresentados nna DrupalCom de Boston. | Community plumbing

We are pleased to announce that the University of Minnesota Libraries are partnering with the Drupal development community on the first round of formal usability testing for the Drupal open source content management platform, to take place in February 2008.

Aqui tem mais detalhes da metodologia e questões. Pode servir para ajudar a testar a usabilidade do seu site....

Help Needed with Formal Usability Test Development |

The testing process begins with the identification of high-level goals; target audiences; common user tasks for these audiences; and a set of debriefing questions for the evaluators that we recruit for testing (users who test the product are called “evaluators”). It’s critical to the success of this project that we scope the goals, target audiences and tasks appropriately. The U Libraries testing team has drafted a goal statement, target audience list, task list and proposed a variety of debriefing questions as a preliminary measure towards moving this process forward. We now need the Drupal community to help set priorities; propose and refine tasks; suggest debriefing questions; and to help out with various other tasks. Please take a look at the following rough draft and offer (specific) feedback towards the identification of goals, target audiences, tasks and debriefing questions.


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